My real admiration to the computer world started while I was in the university , I can say that this is my first step in my way towards the designing field specially the graphics section . And because there is a difference between recognizing the program and using it , So , This difference push me to start and test my self using some graphics programs .

After my graduation , A new phase started in my life , Discovering the internet world . This helped me to know more about the computer . Also , I see that there are more programs that may be easier and give you a good results . So , I found that I should try more graphics and video editing programs to know more to gain more experience .

I always search for lessons using google and youtube . Because this is a very interesting thing to learn your self a new thing and try it . It's hard to forget the experiences that you gained with your efforts and your experiments .

Year 2007 [ The Actual Start ]

As I said before in my profile page , That after my graduation, The real and actual beginning for me started . Days , Months & Years passed and exactly at the year 2007 I made my first video using the movie maker program . This ia my real first step in the video editing field .

I enjoyed working in movie maker as a first video editing program for me . After that I searched for another programs to make better videos than before .

I tried more than program . And each program have some specifications and features . So , I tried to make like a mix between more than program to present a video editing idea . I can say that I Succeeded in achieving this goal or this target .

Years Passed , And now (with the grace & helping of God) a new achievements come true .  It is the broadcasted works and videos on some channels like : Aghapy Channel (In the lead) , Me Sat , Coptic Sat , Al Karma TV , Al Horreya TV , GSN TV , Grace TV and ABC TV . And hope more success in the future with the help & the grace of God .

- Some Programs of which I've used and try working with :

  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Ulead Video Studio
  • Pinnacle Studio
  • CyberLink PowerDirector
  • MAGIX Movie Edit Pro
  • Corel Video Studio Pro
  • Wondershare Fantashow
  • 3D Studio Max

I shall say that there are some softwares and programs (Of which already included above)  was not able to cope and work with it duo to some resons . But to try a program even if you can't work on it (Like some programs with me) this give you a gained experiance .

- The main programs for me now that I still trying to learn :

  • Magix Vegas Pro
  • Adobe Photo Shop
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Sound Forge Pro
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • AI Programs

And I hope and wish to be proffesional in them one day . So , I'll try to search for more and more lessons and tutorials and do my best as I can to make this wish a fact .

- The secondary programs for me ( Use them as a serving programs ) :

  • Kelk
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Media Encoder
  • Some Converters & Players
  • Video Codecs Packeges

I always search for any helpful programs or tools that I can use in my work .

- Some of the programs that I planning to learn in the future :

  • CINEMA 4D Studio ( I've already tried it )
  • FL Studio
  • Apple Final Cut Pro

I think I'll try to start learning Cinema 4D or Adobe Premiere Pro CC soon . And Hope one day I become a proffesional video editor in them and I trust that I can do it one day , And no matter how long the time , God willing .

Finally , I may forgot some things but this is a sample words about my road toward my target .

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About Me

I do not deserve the title of a video editor and I can not say that I am a professional, I'm still at the beginning and try to learn more in this field, which I loved to work in

Emanoeel Nabil